SOSC General Assembly structure

The Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee (SOSC) has  currently 81 collective  members and 11 individual members who have  altogether 129 votes in General Assembly of the SOSC. Individual members are: President of SOSC, Member of the IOC (at the same time a member of the Executive Committee of the SOSC ex officio), 5 delegated members of the SOSC Sports Commission (one representative of the Commission is delegated to the Executive Committee of the SOSC as its ex officio member) and 4 of the significant personalities of Olympic movement and sport in Slovakia.

National Olympic Sports Federations whose sport within the meaning of Art. 45 of the Olympic Charter and the relevant implementing regulations to this rule are governed by one International Sports Federation, have two votes at the General Assembly. This applies to a total of 37 federations, which have 74 votes.

In one Olympic sport there is a situation in Slovakia, that a sport run by a single international federation has two national federations in Slovakia, managing different sectors of this one Olympic sport. It concerns the Slovak Federation of Figure Skating and Speed Skating (internationally covered by ISU). These federations have one vote at the SOSC General Assembly, ie. a total of 2 votes.

All other members of the SOSC – both collective and individual - have one vote, ie. a total of 53 votes.

The entire 92-member Assembly of the SOSC currently has a total of 129 votes. A total of 74 votes have Olympic sports associations. Another 5 votes are given to the members of the Athletes Commission. The Olympic Sports Associations (or their delegates) and delegated members of the SOSC Athletes Commission, together with the SOSC President and the IOC member, form the so-called Olympic majority (defined in the Statutes of the SOSC) consisting of 80 votes. Together with other 9 members of the SOSC Executive Committee, all members of the Olympic majority have the exclusive right to vote on issues relating directly to the Olympic Games.


SOSC President 

(has an individual mandate; 1 vote in the SOSC General Assembly)


(has an individual mandate; 1 vote in the SOSC General Assembly)

SOSC Members – Sports Federations of Olympic sports (total 39)

Olympic Sports Federations with 2 votes (total 37 federations):

(They are represented in the General Assembly of SOSC by a delegated representative who can be changed between GAs; 37 Olympic Sports Federations, each of which is governed by one International Federation, has 2 votes - they have together 74 votes in the SOSC.)

Olympic Sports Federations with 1 vote (total 2 federations):

(They are represented in the General Assembly of the SOSC by a delegated representative who can be changed; 4 Olympic Sports Federations, of which one international federation always covers two sports, they have each 1 vote - they have together 4 votes in the SOSC)

SOSC Members – Sports Federations of non-Olympic sports (total 26)

(They are represented in the General Assembly of the SOSC by a delegated representative who can be changed between GAs; each federation has 1 vote - they have together 26 votes in the SOSC)

SOSC Members – other civic associations, institutions and organizations (total 16)

(They are represented in the General Assembly of the SOSC by a delegated representative who can be changed between GAs; each of these members has one vote - they have together 16 votes in the SOSC)

SOSC members – personalities of Olympic movement and sport

(Individual members of the SOSC, their mandate is limited to the end of the Olympic cycle 2020 - 2024; each of these members has 1 vote- they have 4 votes in the SOSC)

  • Michal MARTIKÁN
  • Róbert VITTEK
  • Jozef KRNÁČ

SOSC MEMBERS – Olympians from the SOSC Commission of Athletes

(Individual members of SOSC, their mandate is limited to 4 years from the election to the Committee of  athletes; the commission delegates 5 representatives from its 9 members  to the General Assembly;  each has1 vote – together they have 5 votes)

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